Law Documents

Law Document Results

  • Brazil
    Decision · Judicial

    Instituto Brasilero de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC) v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) (Case No. 5001408-12.2024.4.03.6100)

    Feb. 14, 2024 A challenge by civil society against ANVISA's Regulation No. 819 of 2023, which postponed the implementation of front-of-pack warning labels in Brazil.

    • Labeling
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  • Mexico
    Decision · Judicial

    Herdez and others v. Government (Case No. 465/2022)

    2024 The constitutionality of the amendments to the General Health Law and to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.

    • MarketingLabelingFundamental Rights
    • 3
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  • International
    Law · International norms

    Harm reduction for sustainable peace and development – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health

    Jul. 18, 2024 This report focuses on harm reduction and explores how this model can be applied to other issues, such as food and nutrition, by using regulatory tools to improve health outcomes....

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesLabelingFundamental RightsUltra-processed foods
    • 1
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  • ColombiaRegional
    Decision · Judicial

    Gasesosas Colombianas v Colombia (Opinion No. 010-2023)

    Jul. 25, 2023 Whether Resolution 2492 de 2022, which adopts a front-of-pack labeling (FOPL) model in Colombia, violates the norms of the Andean Community that require technical regulations to be adopted in a...

    • Labeling
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  • International
    Law · International norms

    Food, nutrition and the right to health – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health

    Jul. 14, 2023 Using the frameworks of intersectionality, anti-coloniality and anti-racism, as well as existing international human rights laws and standards, the Special Rapporteur examines how the lack of access to safe and...

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesLabelingFundamental Rights
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  • Colombia
    Decision · Judicial

    Colombian Parents’ Corporation of Mothers and Fathers, Red PaPaz v. Ministry of Health (Case No. 25000234100020190106300)

    Nov. 10, 2022 Whether the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework on ultra-processed food products violate the collective right to health of consumers, and particularly of children.

    • MarketingLabelingFundamental RightsUltra-processed foods
    • 6
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  • Colombia
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Resolution adopting technical criteria for front-of-pack nutritional labeling (Resolution No. 2492 of 2022)

    Dec. 13, 2022 This resolution modifies Resolution No. 810 of 2021 on technical regulation on front-of-pack nutritional labeling (FOPL).

    • LabelingUltra-processed foods
    • 1
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  • Mexico
    Decision · Judicial

    Santa Clara, S.A. de C.V. v. Government

    2022 In 2020, plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Modification of the Mexican Official Norm that regulates the General labelling specifications for pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages.

    • MarketingLabelingContent regulationFundamental Rights
    • 5
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  • Colombia
    Decision · Judicial

    Carlos Mario Salgado Morales v Ministry of Health (Case No. 25000-23-41-000-2022-00942-01)

    Oct. 27, 2022 Whether the technical parameters on front-of-pack labeling (FOPL) established by Resolution No. 810 of 2021 comply with the requirements laid out in Law No. 2120 of 2021, and specifically that...

    • Labeling
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  • Colombia
    Law · Legislation

    Law for Promotion of Healthy Food Environments and NCD Prevention (Law No. 2120 of 2021)

    Jul. 30, 2021 Also known as "Ley Comida Chatarra", this law seeks to adopt effective measures that promote healthy food environments, guaranteeing the basic right to health, especially for children and adolescents, with...

    • LabelingSchool Environment
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  • Colombia
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Resolution adopting technical criteria for front-of-pack nutritional labeling (Resolution No. 810 of 2021)

    Jun. 16, 2021 This resolution adopts technical criteria for front-of-pack nutritional labeling (FOPL). Following the adoption of Law No. 2120 of 2021 and litigation by civil society organizations it has been substantially amended...

    • Labeling
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  • Brazil
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Resolution on Pre-packaged Foods Nutritional Labeling (RDC 429 of 2020)

    Oct. 8, 2020 This resolution regulates nutritional claims and front-of-pack nutritional labeling (FOPL) of pre-packaged food in Brazil.

    • Labeling
    • 2
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  • Mexico
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Amendment to NOM-51 – Front-of-Pack Labeling (Warning Labels) (2020)

    Mar. 27, 2020 This administrative regulation (NORMA Oficial Mexicana) amends NOM-51. It introduces a front-of-pack labeling model based on warning labels, effectively repealing the 2014 amendment to NOM-51. Moreover, it introduces advertising restrictions....

    • Labeling
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  • Mexico
    Decision · Judicial

    Desde el Corazón del Fruto, S.A. de C.V. v Government

    2020 In 2020, plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Amendment to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.

    • MarketingLabelingFundamental RightsContent regulation
    • 2
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  • Mexico
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Amendments to the General Health Law – Overweight, Obesity, and Labeling of Prepackaged Foods and Beverages (2019)

    Nov. 8, 2019 To add provisions on overweight, obesity, and labeling of prepackaged food and beverages to the General Health Law (1984)

    • LabelingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Decision · Judicial

    Brazilian Food Industry Association (ABIA) v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) (Case No. 1013249-88.2018.4.01.3400)

    Jul. 24, 2018 An injunction filed against ANVISA due to their denial to postpone the deadline of the public consultation on the front-of-pack nutritional labeling ("rotulagem frontal") measures.

    • Labeling
    • 1
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  • International
    Law · International norms

    Interim report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food

    Aug. 3, 2016 The report reiterates the importance of a rights-based approach to “adequate food”, and highlights that unhealthy diets are a form of malnutrition

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesLabelingFundamental RightsSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Amendment to NOM-51 – Front of Pack Labeling (Guidelines Daily Amounts) (2014)

    Jul. 25, 2014 This administrative regulation amends NOM-51 to mandate the adoption of a front-of-pack labeling model based on the guidelines daily amount (GDA)

    • Labeling
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  • International
    Law · International norms

    Unhealthy foods, non-communicable diseases and the right to health – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health

    Apr. 1, 2014 In this report, the Special Rapporteur highlights the link between unhealthy foods and diet-related non-communicable diseases, underscoring the urgent need for States to address structural changes in the food environment,...

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesLabelingFundamental RightsSchool Environment
    • Compare
Document Title Document Country Document Type Document Type Document Date Document Categories Document FULL URL Document Excerpt
Instituto Brasilero de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC) v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) (Case No. 5001408-12.2024.4.03.6100)Brazil DecisionJudicialFeb. 14 2024"Back-of-pack labeling, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" challenge by civil society against ANVISA's Regulation No. 819 of 2023 which postponed the implementation of front-of-pack warning labels in Brazil.
Herdez and others v. Government (Case No. 465/2022)Mexico DecisionJudicial2024"Advertising, Advertising in labeling, Children, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Health warnings in points of sale, Labeling, Marketing, Right to food, Right to health, Right to information, Rights of children" constitutionality of the amendments to the General Health Law and to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.
Harm reduction for sustainable peace and development – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to healthInternational LawInternational normsJul. 18 2024"Children, Fiscal Policies, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Labeling, Marketing, Right to food, Right to health, Ultra-processed foods" report focuses on harm reduction and explores how this model can be applied to other issues such as food and nutrition by using regulatory tools to improve health outcomes.
Gasesosas Colombianas v Colombia (Opinion No. 010-2023)Colombia Regional DecisionJudicialJul. 25 2023"Claims on packaging, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" Resolution 2492 de 2022 which adopts a front-of-pack labeling (FOPL) model in Colombia violates the norms of the Andean Community that require technical regulations to be adopted in a transparent manner and that they are no more restrictive than necessary to achieve a legitimate objective (Articles 5 6 and 8 of the Decision 827).
Food nutrition and the right to health – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to healthInternational LawInternational normsJul. 14 2023"Advertising, Children, Fiscal Policies, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Labeling, Marketing, Right to food, Right to health, Right to information, Rights of children" the frameworks of intersectionality anti-coloniality and anti-racism as well as existing international human rights laws and standards the Special Rapporteur examines how the lack of access to safe and nutritious food has an impact on growth development and quality of life across the life cycle.
Colombian Parents’ Corporation of Mothers and Fathers Red PaPaz v. Ministry of Health (Case No. 25000234100020190106300)Colombia DecisionJudicialNov. 10 2022"Advertising, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Internet, Labeling, Marketing, Radio, Right to health, TV, Ultra-processed foods" the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework on ultra-processed food products violate the collective right to health of consumers and particularly of children.
Resolution adopting technical criteria for front-of-pack nutritional labeling (Resolution No. 2492 of 2022)Colombia LawAdministrative ActsDec. 13 2022"Claims on packaging, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling, Ultra-processed foods" resolution modifies Resolution No. 810 of 2021 on technical regulation on front-of-pack nutritional labeling (FOPL).
Santa Clara S.A. de C.V. v. GovernmentMexico DecisionJudicial2022"Advertising, Advertising in labeling, Children, Content regulation, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Health warnings in points of sale, Labeling, Marketing, Right to food, Right to health, Right to information, Rights of children, Trans fat content" 2020 plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Modification of the Mexican Official Norm that regulates the General labelling specifications for pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages.
Carlos Mario Salgado Morales v Ministry of Health (Case No. 25000-23-41-000-2022-00942-01)Colombia DecisionJudicialOct. 27 2022"Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" the technical parameters on front-of-pack labeling (FOPL) established by Resolution No. 810 of 2021 comply with the requirements laid out in Law No. 2120 of 2021 and specifically that they are "based on the best scientific evidence available and free of conflict of interest".
Law for Promotion of Healthy Food Environments and NCD Prevention (Law No. 2120 of 2021)Colombia LawLegislationJul. 30 2021"Claims on packaging, Free safe water, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling, Nutrition education, School Environment" known as "Ley Comida Chatarra" this law seeks to adopt effective measures that promote healthy food environments guaranteeing the basic right to health especially for children and adolescents with the aim of preventing the emergence of NCDs.
Resolution adopting technical criteria for front-of-pack nutritional labeling (Resolution No. 810 of 2021)Colombia LawAdministrative ActsJun. 16 2021"Front-of-pack nutritional labeling" resolution adopts technical criteria for front-of-pack nutritional labeling (FOPL). Following the adoption of Law No. 2120 of 2021 and litigation by civil society organizations it has been substantially amended by Resolution No. 2492 of 2022.
Resolution on Pre-packaged Foods Nutritional Labeling (RDC 429 of 2020)Brazil LawAdministrative ActsOct. 8 2020"Back-of-pack labeling, Claims on packaging, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" resolution regulates nutritional claims and front-of-pack nutritional labeling (FOPL) of pre-packaged food in Brazil.
Amendment to NOM-51 – Front-of-Pack Labeling (Warning Labels) (2020)Mexico LawAdministrative ActsMar. 27 2020"Advertising in labeling, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" administrative regulation (NORMA Oficial Mexicana) amends NOM-51. It introduces a front-of-pack labeling model based on warning labels effectively repealing the 2014 amendment to NOM-51. Moreover it introduces advertising restrictions.
Desde el Corazón del Fruto S.A. de C.V. v GovernmentMexico DecisionJudicial2020"Advertising, Advertising in labeling, Children, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Health warnings in points of sale, Labeling, Marketing, Right to food, Right to health, Right to information, Trans fat content" 2020 plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Amendment to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.
Amendments to the General Health Law – Overweight Obesity and Labeling of Prepackaged Foods and Beverages (2019)Mexico LawAdministrative ActsNov. 8 2019"Back-of-pack labeling, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling, School Environment" add provisions on overweight obesity and labeling of prepackaged food and beverages to the General Health Law (1984)
Brazilian Food Industry Association (ABIA) v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) (Case No. 1013249-88.2018.4.01.3400)Brazil DecisionJudicialJul. 24 2018"Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" injunction filed against ANVISA due to their denial to postpone the deadline of the public consultation on the front-of-pack nutritional labeling ("rotulagem frontal") measures.
Interim report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to foodInternational LawInternational normsAug. 3 2016"Advertising, Children, Fiscal Policies, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Increased sales tax, Labeling, Marketing, Right to food, Sale in school premises, Sale near school premises, Sale through vending machines, School Environment, School meals, Tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, Tax on unhealthy foods and beverages" report reiterates the importance of a rights-based approach to “adequate food” and highlights that unhealthy diets are a form of malnutrition
Amendment to NOM-51 – Front of Pack Labeling (Guidelines Daily Amounts) (2014)Mexico LawAdministrative ActsJul. 25 2014"Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" administrative regulation amends NOM-51 to mandate the adoption of a front-of-pack labeling model based on the guidelines daily amount (GDA)
Unhealthy foods non-communicable diseases and the right to health – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to healthInternational LawInternational normsApr. 1 2014"Advertising, Children, Fiscal Policies, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Labeling, Marketing, Nutrition education, Procurement policies, Right to food, Right to health, School Environment, Subsidies, Tax on sugar-sweetened beverages" this report the Special Rapporteur highlights the link between unhealthy foods and diet-related non-communicable diseases underscoring the urgent need for States to address structural changes in the food environment which negatively impact individuals’ enjoyment of the right to adequate and nutritious food – an underlying determinant of the right to health