Law · Administrative Acts

National Basic Food Basket (Decree No. 11.936 of 2024)


This decree establishes guidelines for the composition of the national basic food basket.


The decree establishes the National Basic Food Basket (in Portuguese, “cesta básica de alimentos”) focusing on healthy foods. In this sense, criterias of health, sustainability, regional food, Brazilian biomes and biodiversity that contribute to a healthy population and environment guide the decree (Art. 3). 

For the purposes of FULL, there are two important highlights in the document:

  • Prohibition of ultra-processed foods (“produtos alimentícios ultraprocessados”) in the National Basic Food Basket (“cesta básica de alimentos”) (Art. 4º, § 4);
  • Inclusion of appropriate, healthy foods that reflect our cultural and biological diversity (Art. 4º, § 5);
  • Alignment with public policies promoting health, sustainability, and regional food production.

The decree also guides future fiscal policies around food. It exempts products included in the food basket of taxation.