Food laws and decisions: Marketing

The policy category “Marketing” focuses on restrictions on the advertising, promotion, and/or sponsorship of unhealthy food and beverages. This category includes policies such as restricting advertising on TV or banning the use of cartoon mascots in the packaging of certain foods and beverages.

Marketing related food laws and decisions

  • Brazil
    Law · Legislation

    Ban on Selling and Advertising Ultra-processed Products in Schools in the Municipality of Niteroi (Decree No. 15.457 of 2024)

    Jun. 06, 2024 The decree provides regulations on the Municipal Law No. 2659 of 2009, establishing actions to prohibit the sale, purchase, manufacture, distribution and advertising of ultra-processed products that contribute to childhood...

    • MarketingSchool EnvironmentUltra-processed foods
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Harm reduction for sustainable peace and development – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health

    Jul. 18, 2024 This report focuses on harm reduction and explores how this model can be applied to other issues, such as food and nutrition, by using regulatory tools to improve health outcomes....

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesLabelingFundamental RightsUltra-processed foods
    • 1
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    WHO guideline: Restricting digital marketing in the context of tobacco, alcohol, food and beverages, and breast-milk substitutes

    2023 This WHO guideline addresses restrictions on marketing, including digital marketing, in the contexts of tobacco and nicotine products, alcohol, unhealthy foods and beverages, and breast-milk substitutes.

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Decision · Judicial

    Herdez and others v. Government (Case No. 465/2022)

    2024 The constitutionality of the amendments to the General Health Law and to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.

    • MarketingLabelingFundamental Rights
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Law · Programmatic documents

    Technical Note on Food Sales in Public Schools participating in National School Meals Program (Technical note No. 2974175/2022/COSAN/CGPAE/DIRAE)

    Nov. 08, 2022 This technical note offers a comprehensive overview and general guidelines on food sales in public elementary and secondary schools enrolled in the National School Meals Program [Programa Nacional de Alimentação...

    • MarketingSchool EnvironmentUltra-processed foods
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases

    Oct. 17, 2018 To accelerate the response to address non-communicable diseases for the health and well-being of present and future generations.

    • Content regulationFiscal PoliciesFundamental RightsMarketingSchool Environment
    • 1
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Outcome document of the second high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on non-communicable diseases

    Jul. 10, 2014 To take stock of the progress since the first high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases in 2011, reaffirm, and strengthen the commitments.

    • Fiscal PoliciesLabelingMarketingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    WHO Guideline: Policies to protect children from the harmful impact of food marketing

    Jul. 3, 2023 This guideline seeks to provide Member States with recommendations and implementation considerations on policies to protect children from the harmful impact of food marketing.

    • Marketing
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  • International
    Law · International norms

    WHO Set of recommendations on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children

    May. 21, 2010 To call for global action to reduce the impact of marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children, and to facilitate the policy processes and mechanisms to reach this...

    • Marketing
    • 1
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases 2013-2030

    May. 27, 2013 The WHO Global Action Plan on NCDs operationalizes the commitments made in the Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable...

    • MarketingContent regulationFiscal PoliciesFundamental RightsLabelingSchool Environment
    • 2
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health

    May. 26, 2004 To provide guidance for the development of an enabling environment for sustainable actions at individual, community, national and global levels that, when taken together, will lead to reduced disease and...

    • MarketingLabelingContent regulationFiscal PoliciesSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Interim report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food

    Aug. 3, 2016 The report reiterates the importance of a rights-based approach to “adequate food”, and highlights that unhealthy diets are a form of malnutrition

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesLabelingFundamental RightsSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    General comment No. 25 (2021) on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment

    Mar. 2, 2021 The General Comment provides guidance on legislative, policy and other measures to promote, respect, and fulfill all children's rights in the digital environment.

    • MarketingFundamental Rights
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    General comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health (art. 24)

    Apr. 17, 2013 The General Comment provides guidance and support to States parties and other duty bearers in respecting, protecting and fulfilling children’s right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of...

    • MarketingFundamental RightsSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases

    Sep. 19, 2011 To shed light on the global burden and threat of non-communicable diseases as one of the major challenges for development in the twenty-first century

    • MarketingContent regulationSchool EnvironmentFundamental Rights
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Unhealthy foods, non-communicable diseases and the right to health – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health

    Apr. 1, 2014 In this report, the Special Rapporteur highlights the link between unhealthy foods and diet-related non-communicable diseases, underscoring the urgent need for States to address structural changes in the food environment,...

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesLabelingFundamental RightsSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food

    Dec. 26, 2011 The report shows how undernutrition, micronutrient deficiency and overnutrition are different dimensions of malnutrition that must be addressed to fully realize the right to food

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesFundamental RightsSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • International
    Law · International norms

    Food, nutrition and the right to health – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health

    Jul. 14, 2023 Using the frameworks of intersectionality, anti-coloniality and anti-racism, as well as existing international human rights laws and standards, the Special Rapporteur examines how the lack of access to safe and...

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesLabelingFundamental Rights
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Decision · Judicial

    Brazilian Industry Association of Cookies, Pasta, Breads and Cakes Industrialized (ABIMAPI) v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) (Case No. 0021946-62.2011.4.01.3400)

    Sep. 11, 2023 Whether ANVISA had competence to issue Resolution No. 24 of 2010, which regulates the advertising of food and beverages with low nutritional value.

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Adequate and Healthy Eating in the School Environment Standarts (Decree No. 11.821 of 2023)

    Dec. 12, 2023 The decree provides for the principles, objectives, strategic axes and guidelines to promote adequate and healthy eating in the school environment.

    • MarketingSchool EnvironmentUltra-processed foods
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Amendments to the General Health Law – Advertising (2014)

    Feb. 14, 2014 To restrict advertising of prepackaged foods and beverages in order to protect public health and the best interest of the child.

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Decision · Judicial

    Desde el Corazón del Fruto, S.A. de C.V. v Government

    2020 In 2020, plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Amendment to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.

    • MarketingLabelingFundamental RightsContent regulation
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Decision · Judicial

    Santa Clara, S.A. de C.V. v. Government (pending)

    2022 In 2020, plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Modification of the Mexican Official Norm that regulates the General labelling specifications for pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages.

    • MarketingLabelingContent regulationFundamental Rights
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Law · Legislation

    Law on the Prohibition of the Commercialization and Advertising of Products Related to Childhood Obesity in the Municipality of Niteroi

    Nov. 19, 2009 Law on the prohibition of the commercialization, acquisition, manufacturing, distribution, and advertising of products related to childhood obesity. This law has been amended by Law No. 3766 of 2023, and...

    • MarketingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Law · Legislation

    Law on the Prohibition of the Commercialization and Advertising of Ultraprocessed Products in the Municipality of Niterói (Law No. 2659 of 2009)

    Jan. 06, 2023 It amends the Law No. 2659 of 2009 that aims to prohibit the sale, purchase, manufacture, distribution and advertising of products that contribute to childhood obesity

    • MarketingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Colombia
    Decision · Judicial

    Colombian Parents’ Corporation of Mothers and Fathers, Red PaPaz v. Ministry of Health (Case No. 25000234100020190106300)

    Nov. 10, 2022 Whether the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework on ultra-processed food products violate the collective right to health of consumers, and particularly of children.

    • MarketingLabelingFundamental RightsUltra-processed foods
    • 6
    • Compare
  • Colombia
    Law · Legislation

    Law for Control, Care and Prevention of Obesity and related NCDs (Law No. 1355 of 2009)

    Oct. 14, 2009 To declare obesity and the non-communicable diseases associated with it a public health priority, and to adopt measures for its control, care, and prevention.

    • MarketingContent regulationLabelingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Law · Legislation

    Law For The Prevention and Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorders in the Federal District

    Oct. 23, 2008 To provide a legal framework to develop mechanisms and tools to prevent and comprehensively address obesity, overweight and eating disorders, as well as to promote the adoption of correct eating...

    • MarketingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Decision · Administrative

    Federal Consumer Protection Agency v. Kellogg Company México, S. de R.L de C.V. (Choco Krispis)

    Oct. 4, 2011 After monitoring food advertisements on TV, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency questioned Kelogg Company Mexico's advertisement on one of their cereals (Choco Krispis) because it contained questionable statements regarding the...

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Decision · Administrative

    Federal Consumer Protection Agency v. Kellogg Company México, S. de R.L de C.V. (Zucaritas)

    Sep. 28, 2011 After monitoring food advertisements on TV, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency questioned Kelogg Company Mexico's advertisement on one of their cereals (Zucaritas) because it contained phrases subject to misleading minors...

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Barbados
    Law · Programmatic documents

    National School Nutrition Policy

    Sep. 19, 2022 The National School Nutrition Policy of Barbados seeks to create healthy school environments that enhance student learning and are conducive to the development of healthy lifelong eating and activity behaviors...

    • MarketingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Law · Legislation

    Law on Advertising of Food to Children in Basic Education Establishments in the State of Bahia

    Dec. 27, 2018 The law amends the previous law No. 13.582 of 2016 to regulate food advertising targeted at children in basic education establishments.

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Law · Legislation

    Law on Regulation of Advertising of Food to Children in the State of Bahia

    Sep. 14, 2016 Law regulating advertising targeted at children

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Decision · Judicial

    Brazilian Association of Radio and Television Broadcasts v. Legislative Assembly of the State of Bahia

    Mar. 25, 2021 A direct action of unconstitutionality against a state law from the Legislative Assembly of the State of Bahia [Assembleia Legislativa do Estado da Bahia] prohibiting advertisement targeted at children of...

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Jamaica
    Law · Legislation

    Food and Drugs Act

    Aug. 4, 1975 This law is the general law on food, drugs, cosmetics, and devices in Jamaica.

    • LabelingMarketing
    • Compare
  • Jamaica
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Food and Drugs Regulations

    Aug. 4, 1975 This law provides for the regulation of food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices.

    • Content regulationLabelingMarketing
    • Compare
  • Jamaica
    Law · Programmatic documents

    National School Nutrition Standards

    2021 These Standards seek to define the types of foods and beverages which are restricted, ensure that nourishing food is served more frequently and improve the nutrient quality of school meals....

    • MarketingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Jamaica
    Law · Programmatic documents

    National Strategic and Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases in Jamaica 2013-2018

    2013 This strategic and action plan aims to "provide a framework and road map for national action to combat non-communicable diseases and injuries and their risk factors in Jamaica within the...

    • Fiscal PoliciesMarketingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Jamaica
    Law · Programmatic documents

    National School Nutrition Policy

    2022 This policy seeks to ensure that children entering Jamaican educational facilities are exposed to good nutrition and healthy lifestyles.

    • MarketingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Decision · Judicial

    Dr. Oetker Brasil Ltda v. Consumer Protection Agency of the State of Sao Paulo

    2017 A lawsuit questioning the legality of a fine issued against Dr. Oetker Brasil Ltda as a punishment for promoting a marketing campaign that targeted children.

    • Marketing
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  • Brazil
    Decision · Administrative

    Consumer Protection Agency of the State of Mato Grosso v. Bayer S.A.

    2016 Administrative decision issuing a fine against Bayer S.A. due to a marketing campaign that targeted children.

    • MarketingLabeling
    • 2
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Decision · Judicial

    Office of the Prosecutor of the State of Santa Catarina v. Empresa de Laticínios Tirol LTDA (pending)

    2022 A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] due to a marketing campaign titled "Tirolzinho Transfoma", which promoted recycling competitions between schools and distributed products to schoolchildren.

    • Marketing
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  • Brazil
    Decision · Judicial

    Sadia S.A. v. Consumer Protection Agency of the State of Sao Paulo – 2020

    2020 A lawsuit questioning the legality of a fine issued against Sadia S.A. for a marketing campaign that targeted children.

    • Marketing
    • 3
    • Compare
  • Jamaica
    Law · Programmatic documents

    National Operational Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Obesity in Children and Adolescents in Jamaica (2016-2020)

    Jun. 2016 The National Operational Plan of Action seeks to operationalize the obesity prevention activities of the National Strategic and Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs).

    • Fiscal PoliciesLabelingMarketingSchool Environment
    • Compare
  • Jamaica
    Law · Legislation

    Fair Competition Act

    Mar. 9, 1993 This law provides rules for competitive practices and for the establishment of a Commission.

    • Marketing
    • 1
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  • Jamaica
    Law · Legislation

    Consumer Protection Act

    Jun. 1, 2005 This law makes provision with respect to the protection of consumers.

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Resolution on Advertising and Marketing Communication to Children and Adolescents (Resolution No. 163 of 2014)

    Mar. 13, 2014 This resolution establishes criteria that make advertising and marketing practices targeted at children and adolescents abusive.

    • Marketing
    • 1
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Resolution on the Regulation of Unhealthy Products Advertisement (Resolution No. 24 of 2010)

    Jun. 15, 2010 This resolution establishes requirements for marketing of foods considered to have high amounts of sugar, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, and beverages with low nutritional content.

    • Marketing
    • 1
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  • Brazil
    Law · Legislation

    Consumer Defense Code (Law No. 8.078 of 1990)

    Sep. 11, 1990 This law establishes rules of consumer protection and defense, public order and social interest in accordance with articles 5, items XXXII, 170, item V of the Brazilian Federal Constitution and...

    • MarketingLabeling
    • 1
    • Compare
  • Barbados
    Law · Legislation

    Protection against Unfair Competition Act

    Feb. 19, 2001 This law provides for the protection against unfair competition.

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Barbados
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Broadcasting Regulations

    Feb. 5, 2001 These Regulations prohibit certain broadcasts and advertisements.

    • Marketing
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  • Barbados
    Law · Legislation

    Consumer Protection Act

    Jan. 16, 2003 This law provides for matters relating to the protection and safety of consumers, such as the prohibition of unfair trading practices and unfair contract terms.

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Colombia
    Law · Legislation

    Statute on Consumer Rights (Law No. 1480 of 2011)

    Oct. 12, 2011 The law (in Spanish, "Estatuto del Consumidor") seeks to protect and promote the rights of consumers in Colombia.

    • MarketingFundamental Rights
    • 1
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Law · Legislation

    Basic Food Standards Decree-Law (No. 986 of 1969)

    Oct. 21, 1969 This decree-law establishes different provisions on food standards, including for labeling.

    • MarketingLabeling
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Law · Programmatic documents

    National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Overweight, Obesity and Diabetes

    Oct. 2013 This national strategy aims to control and prevent noncommunicable diseases, which cause very high levels of expenditure in the health system.

    • LabelingMarketing
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Decision · Administrative

    El Poder del Consumidor v. Coca Cola

    Apr. 28, 2016 El Poder de Consumidor filed a complaint against Coca Cola due to the advertisement of product Sidral Mundet. The Federal Consumer Protection Agency [Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor - PROFECO] requested...

    • Marketing
    • 2
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Regulation of the General Health Law on Advertising

    Sep. 9, 1986 This regulation provides for a health control over the advertising of various categories of goods and services, including food and beverages.

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Law · Legislation

    Federal Law on Consumer Protection

    Dec. 24, 1992 This law seeks to promote and protect consumer rights (in Spanish, "protección derechos del consumidor") and establishes equity, certainty and legal security in relations between providers and consumers.

    • Marketing
    • Compare
  • Mexico
    Decision · Judicial

    Alimentos Del Fuerte S.A. v. Ministry of Education

    Jan. 18, 2017 A food company, Del Fuerte, filed a petition against the Ministry of Health and Education to challenge the ban on the sale of unhealthy food established in mexican schools.

    • Marketing
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  • Colombia
    Decision · Administrative

    Dejusticia v. Postobón (Guajira campaign)

    2017 To clarify the legal framework and limits regarding corporate social responsibility campaigns for unhealthy foods.

    • Marketing
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  • Colombia
    Decision · Judicial

    Red Papaz v. Caracol Televisión S.A. and RCN Televisión S.A. (Decision T-145/19)

    Apr. 2, 2019 Whether the censorship of the communication campaign "Don’t eat any more lies” ("No Comas Más Mentiras") by the tv channels Caracol Televisión S.A. and RCN Televisión S.A. was in violation...

    • MarketingUltra-processed foods
    • 3
    • Compare
  • Colombia
    Decision · Judicial

    Educar Consumers v. Superintendence of Industry and Trade (Decision T-543/17)

    Aug. 25, 2017 Whether the resolution issued by the Superintendence of Industry and Trade to stop a public health campaign on the risks of sugar-sweetened beverages was in violation of the rights of...

    • Marketing
    • 6
    • Compare
  • Brazil
    Decision · Administrative

    Consumer Protection Agency of the State of Paraná v. Danone LTDA

    Apr. 12, 2018 An administrative decision imposing a fine on Danone due to a marketing campaign that targeted children.

    • Marketing
    • 4
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  • Brazil
    Decision · Judicial

    Office of the Prosecutor of the State of Sao Paulo v. Pandurata Alimentos LTDA (Case No. 1.558.086/SP)

    Mar. 10, 2016 A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] due to abusive marketing targeting children and "product tying" (the practice of selling one product or service as a mandatory addition to the...

    • Marketing
    • 9
    • Compare