Law · Administrative Acts

Technical Regulation on Labeling Requirements for Packaged Foods and Raw Materials (Resolution No. 2652 of 2004)


This technical regulation establishes requirements for labeling packaged food and food raw material. It aims to provide the consumer accurate information about the product.


This resolution sets out the technical regulation for labeling packaged foods intended for human consumption. It requires labels to include clear, accurate, and sufficient information. These rules aim to prevent misleading or confusing details, protecting and empowering consumers to make informed choices.

The scope of the resolution encompasses all packaged food products, hospitality items, and raw food materials, regardless of whether they are produced domestically or imported. As long as the products are sold in Colombian territory, they must comply with the regulation (Article 2).

The resolution provides detailed guidelines for back-of-pack labeling. This includes mandatory information such as its list of ingredients, the country of origin, expiration dates, and other details (Articles 4 and 5). In addition, the regulation highlights principles for food labeling, which aim to prevent consumer deception:

  • Food products must not be described or presented falsely or deceptively, or likely to create an erroneous or inaccurate impression (Article 4).
  • Food products cannot contain illustrations or other graphic representations that allude to medicinal, preventive, healing, nutritional, or unique properties that may cause false appreciation of the true nature, origin, composition, or food quality of the product (Article 4).

To ensure its compliance, the resolution establishes that the National Institute for Food and Drug Surveillance and the Territorial Health Directorates are responsible for surveillance and control of the provisions (Article 16).

The labeling regulation itself is based on Colombia’s international obligations, particularly under the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. It also aligns with Decision 562 of the Andean Community. This decision provides a framework for the development, adoption, and application of technical regulations among Member Countries. Specifically, Article 9, paragraph 3, section (d) emphasizes that technical regulations must establish the necessary technical specifications for packaging specifications for appropriate product’s use. It also requires the inclusion of essential information, such as content and measurement detail, on the label.