These guidelines aims to regulate the sale and distribution of food and beverages, promoting healthy nutrition in public schools.
The regulation considers various goals and objectives contained in the National Development Plan and the sectoral Education Program. In this sense, this general guidelines seek to promote the integral development of children. For this purpose, it prohibits the presence of unhealthy foods in schools. For FULL purposes, the following highlights of this regulation are important:
- The norm and its annex present the prepared and processed foods and beverages that should be prohibited to be sold and distributed in schools of the National Educational System.
- There are interesting definitions like:
- correct nutrition
- natural food and drinks
- processed foods and beverages
- eating habits
- Likewise, the document established the principle of correct nutrition. It also determined that diet will always be influenced by cultural, social, educational, economic, and geographic factors.
- For the promotion of healthy lifestyles, emphasis will be placed on the consumption of vegetables, fruits, and natural foods.