Law · Administrative Acts

Resolution establishing the technical regulation for nutritional labeling of prepackaged food (Resolution No. 333 of 2011)


Implementing article 10 of Law No. 1355 of 2009, this regulation establishes the conditions and requirements for nutritional back-of-pack labeling of prepackaged foods.


With a view to strengthening the legal framework for the promotion of healthy diets in Colombia, Resolution No. 333 of 2011 establishes the following criteria for nutritional labeling of prepackaged products (in Spanish, “etiquetado nutricional”).

Specifically, the resolution foresees that:

  • The nutritional labeling shall not present the food in a false or misleading manner, or in any way that could create an erroneous impression with respect to its nutritional content, or its nutritional and health properties (Art. 5).
  • The nutritional labeling shall not contain any declarations concerning attributes that cannot be proved, or that suggest or imply that a food is useful, adequate, or effective in the treatment or cure of a disease (Art. 6).
  • The list of ingredients is mandatory for all food products that include any type of nutritional information, or nutritional or health properties (Art. 7).
  • The amounts of certain nutrients like protein, total fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, sodium, and vitamins must be expressed both as an absolute value (grams or milligrams per serving of the food), as well as as a percentage of the reference daily value (%) (Art. 8).