Food laws and decisions: Back-of-pack labeling

Regulation of back-of-pack labeling, including nutrient list, nutritional values, specific ingredients.

Back-of-pack labeling related food laws and decisions

  • Mexico
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Amendments to the General Health Law – Overweight, Obesity, and Labeling of Prepackaged Foods and Beverages (2019)

    Nov. 8, 2019 To add provisions on overweight, obesity, and labeling of prepackaged food and beverages to the General Health Law (1984)

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  • Brazil
    Decision · Judicial

    Instituto Brasilero de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC) v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) (Case No. 5001408-12.2024.4.03.6100)

    Feb. 14, 2024 A challenge by civil society against ANVISA's Regulation No. 819 of 2023, which postponed the implementation of front-of-pack warning labels in Brazil.

    • Labeling
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  • International
    Law · International norms

    Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health

    May. 26, 2004 To provide guidance for the development of an enabling environment for sustainable actions at individual, community, national and global levels that, when taken together, will lead to reduced disease and...

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  • Colombia
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Resolution establishing the technical regulation for nutritional labeling of prepackaged food (Resolution No. 333 of 2011)

    Feb. 15, 2011 Implementing article 10 of Law No. 1355 of 2009, this regulation establishes the conditions and requirements for nutritional back-of-pack labeling of prepackaged foods.

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  • Jamaica
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Standards (Labelling of Processed Food) Regulations

    Oct. 1, 1974 These regulations prescribe minimum labelling requirements for processed food in Jamaica.

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  • Brazil
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Resolution on Pre-packaged Foods Nutritional Labeling (RDC 429 of 2020)

    Oct. 8, 2020 This resolution regulates nutritional claims and front-of-pack nutritional labeling in pre-packaged food.

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  • Brazil
    Law · Administrative Acts

    Resolution on Technical Regulation for Packaged Food Labelling

    Sep. 20, 2002 This resolution incorporates into domestic legislation the Mercosur Resolutions GMC No. 06/94 and 02/21 on mandatory and optional labeling of packaged foods.

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  • Mexico
    Law · Administrative Acts

    General labeling specifications for pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages (NOM-51)

    Feb. 18, 2010 This administrative regulation NOM-51 (in Spanish, "Norma Oficial Mexicana") sets forth the commercial and health information requirements for the labeling of pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages.

    • Labeling
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