2023 This WHO guideline addresses restrictions on marketing, including digital marketing, in the contexts of tobacco and nicotine products, alcohol, unhealthy foods and beverages, and breast-milk substitutes.
- Marketing
Regulation of food marketing in TV channels
2023 This WHO guideline addresses restrictions on marketing, including digital marketing, in the contexts of tobacco and nicotine products, alcohol, unhealthy foods and beverages, and breast-milk substitutes.
Feb. 14, 2014 To restrict advertising of prepackaged foods and beverages in order to protect public health and the best interest of the child.
Nov. 10, 2022 Whether the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework on ultra-processed food products violate the collective right to health of consumers, and particularly of children.
Oct. 4, 2011 After monitoring food advertisements on TV, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency questioned Kelogg Company Mexico's advertisement on one of their cereals (Choco Krispis) because it contained questionable statements regarding the...
Sep. 28, 2011 After monitoring food advertisements on TV, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency questioned Kelogg Company Mexico's advertisement on one of their cereals (Zucaritas) because it contained phrases subject to misleading minors...
Mar. 13, 2014 This resolution on advertising and marketing establishes that those practices, when targeted at children and adolescents, are abusive.
Jun. 15, 2010 This regulation on marketing restrictions establishes requirements for marketing of foods considered to have high amounts of sugar, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, and beverages with low nutritional content.
Feb. 5, 2001 These broadcasting regulations aim to prohibit certain broadcasts and advertisements in Barbados.