Food laws and decisions: Rights of children

Rights of children related food laws and decisions

  • Mexico
    Decision · Judicial

    Herdez and others v. Government (Case No. 465/2022)

    2024 The constitutionality of the amendments to the General Health Law and to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.

    • MarketingLabelingFundamental Rights
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  • International
    Law · International norms

    General comment No. 25 (2021) on children’s rights in relation to the digital environment

    Mar. 2, 2021 The General Comment provides guidance on legislative, policy and other measures to promote, respect, and fulfill all children's rights in the digital environment.

    • MarketingFundamental Rights
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  • International
    Law · International norms

    General comment No. 15 (2013) on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health (art. 24)

    Apr. 17, 2013 The General Comment provides guidance and support to States parties and other duty bearers in respecting, protecting and fulfilling children’s right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of...

    • MarketingFundamental RightsSchool Environment
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  • Regional
    Law · International norms

    Noncommunicable diseases and human rights in the Americas – Report of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

    Aug. 23, 2023 The report analyzes the relationship between the effective enjoyment of human rights and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Americas

    • Fundamental Rights
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  • International
    Law · International norms

    Food, nutrition and the right to health – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health

    Jul. 14, 2023 Using the frameworks of intersectionality, anti-coloniality and anti-racism, as well as existing international human rights laws and standards, the Special Rapporteur examines how the lack of access to safe and...

    • MarketingFiscal PoliciesLabelingFundamental Rights
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  • Mexico
    Decision · Judicial

    Santa Clara, S.A. de C.V. v. Government (pending)

    2022 In 2020, plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Modification of the Mexican Official Norm that regulates the General labelling specifications for pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages.

    • MarketingLabelingContent regulationFundamental Rights
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  • South Africa
    Decision · Judicial

    Equal Education and Others v. Minister of Basic Education and Others

    Jul. 17, 2020 Whether the Minister of Basic Education had a constitutional and statutory obligation to provide daily nutritious meals to learners who qualified for the school nutrition program.

    • Fundamental Rights
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  • Jamaica
    Law · Legislation

    Child Care and Protection Act

    Mar. 26, 2004 This law seeks to promote the best interests, safety and well-being of children in Jamaica.

    • Fundamental Rights
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  • South Africa
    Law · Programmatic documents

    National Food and Nutrition Security Plan

    Nov. 7, 2017 The National Food and Nutrition Strategic Plan (NFNSP) 2018-2023 describes how South Africa will combat the silent crisis of malnutrition and reverse its growth in the next...

    • Fundamental Rights
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  • Colombia
    Law · Constitutions

    Constitution of Colombia

    Jul. 20, 1991 The Constitution of Colombia regulates the organization of the State, and provides a Bill of Rights with provisions relevant for diet and health.

    • Fundamental Rights
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  • Brazil
    Law · Constitutions

    Constitution of Brazil

    Oct. 05, 1988 The 1988 Constitution of Brazil establishes that education, health, the childhood protection, and the right to food are social rights.

    • Fundamental Rights
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  • Brazil
    Law · Legislation

    Child and Adolescent Statute

    Jul. 13, 1990 This law establishes a protection regime for children and adolescents, which includes norms on family and community life (education, sport, and culture), guardianship, adoption, among other rights.

    • Fundamental Rights
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  • Brazil
    Law · Legislation

    Law on Public Policies for Early Childhood

    Mar. 8, 2016 This law establishes public policies for early childhood and amends Law No. 8.069 of July 13, 1990 (Child and Adolescent Statute [Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente]), Decree-Law No. 3.689...

    • Fundamental Rights
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