2024 The constitutionality of the amendments to the General Health Law and to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.
- MarketingLabelingFundamental Rights
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2024 The constitutionality of the amendments to the General Health Law and to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.
2022 In 2020, plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Modification of the Mexican Official Norm that regulates the General labelling specifications for pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages.
Mar. 27, 2020 This administrative regulation (NORMA Oficial Mexicana) amends NOM-51. It introduces a front-of-pack labeling model based on warning labels, effectively repealing the 2014 amendment to NOM-51. Moreover, it introduces advertising restrictions....
2020 In 2020, plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Amendment to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages.
May. 8, 2019 El Poder del Consumidor (EPC),a civil society association that advocates for consumer's rights in Mexico, filed an unconstitutionality claim challenging the Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) labeling model in Mexico. After...
Nov. 8, 2019 To add provisions on overweight, obesity, and labeling of prepackaged food and beverages to the General Health Law (1984)
May. 8, 2018 El Poder del Consumidor (EPC) filed an unconstituionality claim challenging the Regulation on Health Control of Products and Services in its article 25, which states that -amongst other requirements- labelling...
Jan. 18, 2017 A food company, Del Fuerte, filed a petition against the Ministry of Health and Education to challenge the ban on the sale of unhealthy food established in mexican schools.
Apr. 28, 2016 El Poder de Consumidor filed a complaint against Coca Cola due to the advertisement of product Sidral Mundet. The Federal Consumer Protection Agency [Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor - PROFECO] requested...
2015 After a tax increase on processed foods and industrialized sugar-sweetened beverages in 2014, the industry challenged the constitutionality of the tax. The law's constitutionality was held in a series of five...
May. 16, 2014 These guidelines aims to regulate the sale and distribution of food and beverages, promoting healthy nutrition in public schools.
Jul. 25, 2014 This administrative regulation amends NOM-51 to mandate the adoption of a front-of-pack labeling model based on the guidelines daily amount (GDA)
Feb. 14, 2014 To restrict advertising of prepackaged foods and beverages in order to protect public health and the best interest of the child.
Oct. 2013 This national strategy aims to control and prevent noncommunicable diseases, which cause very high levels of expenditure in the health system.
Sep. 28, 2011 After monitoring food advertisements on TV, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency questioned Kelogg Company Mexico's advertisement on one of their cereals (Zucaritas) because it contained phrases subject to misleading minors...
Oct. 4, 2011 After monitoring food advertisements on TV, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency questioned Kelogg Company Mexico's advertisement on one of their cereals (Choco Krispis) because it contained questionable statements regarding the...
Feb. 18, 2010 This administrative regulation NOM-51 (in Spanish, "Norma Oficial Mexicana") sets forth the commercial and health information requirements for the labeling of pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages.
Oct. 23, 2008 To provide a legal framework to develop mechanisms and tools to prevent and comprehensively address obesity, overweight and eating disorders, as well as to promote the adoption of correct eating...
2003 Jugos del Valle (Cola Cola) discussed with the State on whether fruit and nectarine fruit drinks should be considered food for tax purposes.
Aug. 9, 1999 This regulation aims to control and carry out the corresponding health promotion of the manufacturing, import, and export process, as well as activities, services, and establishments related to food products...
Dec. 24, 1992 This law seeks to promote and protect consumer rights (in Spanish, "protección derechos del consumidor") and establishes equity, certainty and legal security in relations between providers and consumers.
Sep. 9, 1986 This regulation provides for a health control over the advertising of various categories of goods and services, including food and beverages.
Feb. 7, 1984 This law regulates the right to health that every person has according to Article 4 of the Constitution of Mexico. First enacted in 1984, it has been amended several times...
Dec. 30, 1980 The law regulates the special tax applicable to different goods and services. The law has been amended on 15 November 2016 to include products such as energy drinks, alcoholic beverages,...
Feb. 5, 1917 The Mexican Constitution provides fundamental norms on the organization of the Federal State and a Bill of Rights.
Document Title | Document Country | Document Type | Document Type | Document Date | Document Categories | Document FULL URL | Document Excerpt |
Herdez and others v. Government (Case No. 465/2022) | Mexico | Decision | Judicial | 2024 | "Advertising, Advertising in labeling, Children, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Health warnings in points of sale, Labeling, Marketing, Right to food, Right to health, Right to information, Rights of children" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/herdez-alimentos-del-fuerte-mccormik-de-mexico-and-nutrisa-v-government/ | The constitutionality of the amendments to the General Health Law and to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages. |
Santa Clara S.A. de C.V. v. Government | Mexico | Decision | Judicial | 2022 | "Advertising, Advertising in labeling, Children, Content regulation, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Health warnings in points of sale, Labeling, Marketing, Right to food, Right to health, Right to information, Rights of children, Trans fat content" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/1633/ | In 2020 plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Modification of the Mexican Official Norm that regulates the General labelling specifications for pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages. |
Amendment to NOM-51 – Front-of-Pack Labeling (Warning Labels) (2020) | Mexico | Law | Administrative Acts | Mar. 27 2020 | "Advertising in labeling, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/nom-051-scfi-ssa1-2010-general-labelling-specifications-for-pre-packaged-food-and-non-alcoholic-beverages-commercial-and-sanitary-information/ | This administrative regulation (NORMA Oficial Mexicana) amends NOM-51. It introduces a front-of-pack labeling model based on warning labels effectively repealing the 2014 amendment to NOM-51. Moreover it introduces advertising restrictions. |
Desde el Corazón del Fruto S.A. de C.V. v Government | Mexico | Decision | Judicial | 2020 | "Advertising, Advertising in labeling, Children, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Fundamental Rights, Health warnings in points of sale, Labeling, Marketing, Right to food, Right to health, Right to information, Trans fat content" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/desde-el-corazon-del-fruto-s-a-de-c-v-v-government/ | In 2020 plaintiff filed an amparo measure against the Amendment to NOM-51 that adopted front-of-package warning labels for prepackaged food and beverages. |
El Poder del Consumidor v. Government | Mexico | Decision | Judicial | May. 8 2019 | "Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/el-poder-del-consumidor-v-government-2015/ | El Poder del Consumidor (EPC) a civil society association that advocates for consumer's rights in Mexico filed an unconstitutionality claim challenging the Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) labeling model in Mexico. After a positive decision in the first instance the Supreme Court of Justice decided on the case. |
Amendments to the General Health Law – Overweight Obesity and Labeling of Prepackaged Foods and Beverages (2019) | Mexico | Law | Administrative Acts | Nov. 8 2019 | "Back-of-pack labeling, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling, School Environment" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/amendments-to-the-general-health-law-overweight-obesity-and-labeling-of-prepackaged-foods-and-beverages-2019/ | To add provisions on overweight obesity and labeling of prepackaged food and beverages to the General Health Law (1984) |
El Poder del Consumidor v. Government | Mexico | Decision | Judicial | May. 8 2018 | "Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/el-poder-del-consumidor-v-government/ | El Poder del Consumidor (EPC) filed an unconstituionality claim challenging the Regulation on Health Control of Products and Services in its article 25 which states that -amongst other requirements- labelling on food and non alcoholic beverages should include the content of total sugars. The judge granted the claim but the authorities appealed and the case got resolved by the Supreme Court. |
Alimentos Del Fuerte S.A. v. Ministry of Education | Mexico | Decision | Judicial | Jan. 18 2017 | "Marketing, Schools" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/alimentos-del-fuerte-s-a-v-ministry-of-education-2016-unhealthy-food-mexican-schools/ | A food company Del Fuerte filed a petition against the Ministry of Health and Education to challenge the ban on the sale of unhealthy food established in mexican schools. |
El Poder del Consumidor v. Coca Cola | Mexico | Decision | Administrative | Apr. 28 2016 | "Marketing" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/el-poder-del-consumidor-v-coca-cola-2015/ | El Poder de Consumidor filed a complaint against Coca Cola due to the advertisement of product Sidral Mundet. The Federal Consumer Protection Agency [Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor - PROFECO] requested the slogan to be removed. |
Several Industries v. Government | Mexico | Decision | Judicial | 2015 | "Fiscal Policies" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/several-industries-v-government-2015/ | After a tax increase on processed foods and industrialized sugar-sweetened beverages in 2014 the industry challenged the constitutionality of the tax.<br /> The law's constitutionality was held in a series of five continuous cases from different companies:<br /> 1. Desde el Corazón del Fruto S.A. de C.V.<br /> 2. Compañía Embotelladora del Fuerte S. de R.L. de C.V.<br /> 3. Embotelladora y Distribuidora GEPP S.A. de C.V.<br /> 4. Yoli de Acapulco S.A. de C.V.<br /> 5. Leche Bell S.A. de C.V. |
General Guidelines for the Sale and Distribution of Food and Beverages for Consumption in Schools | Mexico | Law | Programmatic documents | May. 16 2014 | "Sale in school premises, School Environment, School meals" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/general-guidelines-of-food-and-beverages-for-consumption-in-schools/ | These guidelines aims to regulate the sale and distribution of food and beverages promoting healthy nutrition in public schools. |
Amendment to NOM-51 – Front of Pack Labeling (Guidelines Daily Amounts) (2014) | Mexico | Law | Administrative Acts | Jul. 25 2014 | "Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/amendment-to-nom-51-front-of-pack-labeling-guidelines-daily-amounts/ | This administrative regulation amends NOM-51 to mandate the adoption of a front-of-pack labeling model based on the guidelines daily amount (GDA) |
Amendments to the General Health Law – Advertising (2014) | Mexico | Law | Administrative Acts | Feb. 14 2014 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, TV" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/decree-by-which-various-provisions-of-the-regulation-of-the-general-health-law-on-advertising-are-amended-added-and-repealed/ | To restrict advertising of prepackaged foods and beverages in order to protect public health and the best interest of the child. |
National Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Overweight Obesity and Diabetes | Mexico | Law | Programmatic documents | Oct. 2013 | "Labeling, Marketing" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/national-strategy-prevention-control-overweight-obesity-diabetes/ | This national strategy aims to control and prevent noncommunicable diseases which cause very high levels of expenditure in the health system. |
Federal Consumer Protection Agency v. Kellogg Company México S. de R.L de C.V. (Zucaritas) | Mexico | Decision | Administrative | Sep. 28 2011 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, Promotion, TV" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/federal-consumer-protection-agency-v-kellogg-company-mexico-zucaritas-case/ | After monitoring food advertisements on TV the Federal Consumer Protection Agency questioned Kelogg Company Mexico's advertisement on one of their cereals (Zucaritas) because it contained phrases subject to misleading minors regarding energy requirements and sources. |
Federal Consumer Protection Agency v. Kellogg Company México S. de R.L de C.V. (Choco Krispis) | Mexico | Decision | Administrative | Oct. 4 2011 | "Advertising, Children, TV" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/federal-consumer-protection-agency-v-kellogg-company-mexico-s-de-r-l-de-c-v-2/ | After monitoring food advertisements on TV the Federal Consumer Protection Agency questioned Kelogg Company Mexico's advertisement on one of their cereals (Choco Krispis) because it contained questionable statements regarding the nutrients of the cereal. |
General labeling specifications for pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages (NOM-51) | Mexico | Law | Administrative Acts | Feb. 18 2010 | "Back-of-pack labeling, Claims on packaging, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/nom-51-labeling-specifications-for-prepackaged-food-and-beverages/ | This administrative regulation NOM-51 (in Spanish "Norma Oficial Mexicana") sets forth the commercial and health information requirements for the labeling of pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages. |
Law For The Prevention and Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorders in the Federal District | Mexico | Law | Legislation | Oct. 23 2008 | "Marketing, Sale in school premises, School Environment, Schools" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-for-the-prevention-and-treatment-of-obesity-and-eating-disorders-in-mexico-city/ | To provide a legal framework to develop mechanisms and tools to prevent and comprehensively address obesity overweight and eating disorders as well as to promote the adoption of correct eating and nutrition habits. |
Jugos del Valle (Coca Cola) v. Government (Case No. 632/2003) | Mexico | Decision | Judicial | 2003 | "Fiscal Policies" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/jugos-del-valle-coca-cola-v-state-2003/ | Jugos del Valle (Cola Cola) discussed with the State on whether fruit and nectarine fruit drinks should be considered food for tax purposes. |
Regulation of Sanitary Control of Products and Services | Mexico | Law | Administrative Acts | Aug. 9 1999 | "Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/regulation-of-sanitary-control-of-products-and-services/ | This regulation aims to control and carry out the corresponding health promotion of the manufacturing import and export process as well as activities services and establishments related to food products and other goods. |
Federal Law on Consumer Protection | Mexico | Law | Legislation | Dec. 24 1992 | "Advertising, Marketing" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/federal-law-on-consumer-protection/ | This law seeks to promote and protect consumer rights (in Spanish "protección derechos del consumidor") and establishes equity certainty and legal security in relations between providers and consumers. |
Regulation of the General Health Law on Advertising | Mexico | Law | Administrative Acts | Sep. 9 1986 | "Marketing" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/regulation-of-the-general-health-law-on-advertising/ | This regulation provides for a health control over the advertising of various categories of goods and services including food and beverages. |
General Health Law | Mexico | Law | Legislation | Feb. 7 1984 | "Fundamental Rights, Right to health" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/general-health-law/ | This law regulates the right to health that every person has according to Article 4 of the Constitution of Mexico. First enacted in 1984 it has been amended several times (last one in 2024). |
Law on the Special Tax on the Production of Goods and Services | Mexico | Law | Legislation | Dec. 30 1980 | "Fiscal Policies, Tax on energy drinks, Tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, Tax on unhealthy foods and beverages" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-on-the-special-tax-on-the-production-of-goods-and-services-2/ | The law regulates the special tax applicable to different goods and services. The law has been amended on 15 November 2016 to include products such as energy drinks alcoholic beverages soft drinks and snacks. |
Constitution of Mexico (1917) | Mexico | Law | Constitutions | Feb. 5 1917 | "Fundamental Rights" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/constitution-of-the-mexican-states/ | The Mexican Constitution provides fundamental norms on the organization of the Federal State and a Bill of Rights. |