Feb. 14, 2024 A challenge by civil society against ANVISA's Regulation No. 819 of 2023, which postponed the implementation of front-of-pack warning labels in Brazil.
- Labeling
Feb. 14, 2024 A challenge by civil society against ANVISA's Regulation No. 819 of 2023, which postponed the implementation of front-of-pack warning labels in Brazil.
Mar. 05, 2024 This decree establishes guidelines for the composition of the national basic food basket.
Jun. 06, 2024 The decree provides regulations on the Municipal Law No. 2659 of 2009, establishing actions to prohibit the sale, purchase, manufacture, distribution and advertising of ultra-processed products that contribute to childhood...
Jan. 06, 2023 It amends the Law No. 2659 of 2009 that aims to prohibit the sale, purchase, manufacture, distribution and advertising of products that contribute to childhood obesity
Jul. 12, 2023 This law establishes actions to prevent childhood obesity in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, particularly with respect to sale of ultraprocessed foods in schools.
Dec. 12, 2023 The decree provides for the principles, objectives, strategic axes and guidelines to promote adequate and healthy eating in the school environment.
Sep. 11, 2023 Whether ANVISA had competence to issue Resolution No. 24 of 2010, which regulates the advertising of food and beverages with low nutritional value.
Jul. 11, 2023 The decree provides regulations on the Municipal Law No. 7987 of 2023, establishing actions to combat childhood obesity.
2022 A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] due to a marketing campaign titled "Tirolzinho Transfoma", which promoted recycling competitions between schools and distributed products to schoolchildren.
Nov. 08, 2022 This technical note offers a comprehensive overview and general guidelines on food sales in public elementary and secondary schools enrolled in the National School Meals Program [Programa Nacional de Alimentação...
Mar. 25, 2021 A direct action of unconstitutionality against a state law from the Legislative Assembly of the State of Bahia [Assembleia Legislativa do Estado da Bahia] prohibiting advertisement targeted at children of...
2021 This technical note aims to promote the identification and prevention of conflicts of interest in the implementation of the National School Meals Program [Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE)].
Oct. 8, 2020 This resolution regulates nutritional claims and front-of-pack nutritional labeling in pre-packaged food.
Dec. 5, 2020 The resolution modifies the guidelines for the allocation of the funds of the National School Meals Program [Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar, PNAE] relying on the NOVA food classification system....
2020 A lawsuit questioning the legality of a fine issued against Sadia S.A. for a marketing campaign that targeted children.
Jul. 24, 2018 An injunction filed against ANVISA due to their denial to postpone the deadline of the public consultation on the front-of-pack nutritional labeling ("rotulagem frontal") measures.
Apr. 12, 2018 An administrative decision imposing a fine on Danone due to a marketing campaign that targeted children.
Dec. 27, 2018 The law amends the previous law No. 13.582 of 2016 to regulate food advertising targeted at children in basic education establishments.
2017 A lawsuit questioning the legality of a fine issued against Dr. Oetker Brasil Ltda as a punishment for promoting a marketing campaign that targeted children.
Mar. 10, 2016 A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] due to abusive marketing targeting children and "product tying" (the practice of selling one product or service as a mandatory addition to the...
Mar. 8, 2016 This law establishes public policies for early childhood and amends Law No. 8.069 of July 13, 1990 (Child and Adolescent Statute [Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente]), Decree-Law No. 3.689...
2016 Administrative decision issuing a fine against Bayer S.A. due to a marketing campaign that targeted children.
Sep. 27, 2016 A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] against the National Health Surveillance Agency [Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)] due to irregularities on the labels of light and diet products...
2016 A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] affirming the legality of the absence of information on sodium and calories contents on the labels of wine bottles.
Sep. 14, 2016 Law regulating advertising targeted at children
Mar. 13, 2014 This resolution establishes criteria that make advertising and marketing practices targeted at children and adolescents abusive.
2014 This document establishes principles and recommendations for an adequate and healthy diet for Brazilian population, and introduces the concept of ultra-processed foods.
Apr. 24, 2013 This resolution regulates the content of iodine allowed in salt intended for human consumption.
Nov. 12, 2012 This resolution incorporates Mercosur Resolution No. 01/2012 standards on complementary nutritional labeling of packaged foods, regulating it.
Nov. 17, 2011 This ordinance establishes guidelines for improve food conditions, nutrition and health of the Brazilian population aimed at promoting adequate and healthy food practices, food surveillance and nutrition, preventing and caring...
Jun. 15, 2010 This resolution establishes requirements for marketing of foods considered to have high amounts of sugar, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, and beverages with low nutritional content.
Aug. 25, 2010 This decree provides regulations on law n. 11.346 of 2006, establishing the National Food and Nutrition Policy and the parameters for a national plan about food and nutritional security.
Jun. 16, 2009 This law provides some principles on the provision of school meals. It law amends Law No. 8.880 of June 9, 2004, Law No. 11.273 of February 6, 2006, Law No....
Nov. 19, 2009 Law on the prohibition of the commercialization, acquisition, manufacturing, distribution, and advertising of products related to childhood obesity. This law has been amended by Law No. 3766 of 2023, and...
Jun. 28, 2007 This ordinance establishes guidelines for health care aimed at preventing obesity and helping those who suffer it.
Sep. 15, 2006 This law establishes principles, guidelines and definitions on the human right to food.
May. 08, 2006 This ordinance establishes guidelines for promoting healthy diets in early childhood as well as in elementary and high schools.
Sep. 20, 2002 This resolution incorporates into domestic legislation the Mercosur Resolutions GMC No. 06/94 and 02/21 on mandatory and optional labeling of packaged foods.
Sep. 11, 1990 This law establishes rules of consumer protection and defense, public order and social interest in accordance with articles 5, items XXXII, 170, item V of the Brazilian Federal Constitution and...
Jul. 13, 1990 This law establishes a protection regime for children and adolescents, which includes norms on family and community life (education, sport, and culture), guardianship, adoption, among other rights.
Sep. 19, 1990 This law establishes general principles and guidelines on the health system, and the conditions for the promotion, protection, and recovery of health. Implementation and control mechanisms are coordinated between the...
Oct. 05, 1988 The 1988 Constitution of Brazil establishes that education, health, the childhood protection, and the right to food are social rights.
Oct. 21, 1969 This decree provides regulations on the format of nutritional labeling of packaged foods.
Document Title | Document Country | Document Type | Document Type | Document Date | Document Categories | Document FULL URL | Document Excerpt |
Instituto Brasilero de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC) v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) (Case No. 5001408-12.2024.4.03.6100) | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | Feb. 14 2024 | "Back-of-pack labeling, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/v-national-health-surveillance-agency-anvisa/ | A challenge by civil society against ANVISA's Regulation No. 819 of 2023 which postponed the implementation of front-of-pack warning labels in Brazil. |
National Basic Food Basket (Decree No. 11.936 of 2024) | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Mar. 05 2024 | "Fiscal Policies, Fundamental Rights, Right to food, Ultra-processed foods" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/national-basic-food-basket-decree-cesta-basica-alimentos-11936-of-2024/ | This decree establishes guidelines for the composition of the national basic food basket. |
Ban on Selling and Advertising Ultra-processed Products in Schools in the Municipality of Niteroi (Decree No. 15.457 of 2024) | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Jun. 06 2024 | "Children, Marketing, Procurement policies, Sale in school premises, School Environment, School meals, Schools, Ultra-processed foods" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/ban-on-selling-and-advertising-ultra-processed-products-in-schools-in-the-municipality-of-niteroi-decree-no-15-457-of-2024/ | The decree provides regulations on the Municipal Law No. 2659 of 2009 establishing actions to prohibit the sale purchase manufacture distribution and advertising of ultra-processed products that contribute to childhood obesity. |
Law on the Prohibition of the Commercialization and Advertising of Ultraprocessed Products in the Municipality of Niterói (Law No. 2659 of 2009) | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Jan. 06 2023 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, Promotion, Sale in school premises, School Environment, Schools" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-on-the-prohibition-of-the-commercialization-and-advertising-of-ultraprocessed-products-in-the-municipality-of-niteroi/ | It amends the Law No. 2659 of 2009 that aims to prohibit the sale purchase manufacture distribution and advertising of products that contribute to childhood obesity |
Law on the Childhood Obesity Prevention in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (Law No. 7897 of 2023) | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Jul. 12 2023 | "Sale in school premises, School Environment" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-on-the-childhood-obesity-prevention-in-the-municipality-of-rio-de-janeiro/ | This law establishes actions to prevent childhood obesity in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro particularly with respect to sale of ultraprocessed foods in schools. |
Adequate and Healthy Eating in the School Environment Standarts (Decree No. 11.821 of 2023) | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Dec. 12 2023 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, Nutrition education, Promotion, Sale in school premises, School Environment, Schools, Sponsorship, Ultra-processed foods" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/adequate-and-healthy-eating-in-the-school-environment-standarts-decree/ | The decree provides for the principles objectives strategic axes and guidelines to promote adequate and healthy eating in the school environment. |
Brazilian Industry Association of Cookies Pasta Breads and Cakes Industrialized (ABIMAPI) v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) (Case No. 0021946-62.2011.4.01.3400) | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | Sep. 11 2023 | "Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, Sponsorship" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/brazilian-industry-association-of-cookies-pasta-breads-and-cakes-industrialized-abimapi-v-national-health-surveillance-agency-anvisa/ | Whether ANVISA had competence to issue Resolution No. 24 of 2010 which regulates the advertising of food and beverages with low nutritional value. |
Childhood Obesity Prevention Decree in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (Decree No. 52.842 of 2023) | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Jul. 11 2023 | "Sale in school premises, School Environment, School meals" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/childhood-obesity-prevention-decree-in-the-municipality-of-rio-de-janeiro/ | The decree provides regulations on the Municipal Law No. 7987 of 2023 establishing actions to combat childhood obesity. |
Office of the Prosecutor of the State of Santa Catarina v. Empresa de Laticínios Tirol LTDA (pending) | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | 2022 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, Promotion, Schools" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/office-of-the-prosecutor-of-the-state-of-santa-catarina-v-empresa-de-laticinios-tirol-ltda-2019/ | A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] due to a marketing campaign titled "Tirolzinho Transfoma" which promoted recycling competitions between schools and distributed products to schoolchildren. |
Technical Note on Food Sales in Public Schools participating in National School Meals Program (Technical note No. 2974175/2022/COSAN/CGPAE/DIRAE) | Brazil | Law | Programmatic documents | Nov. 08 2022 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, Promotion, Sale in school premises, School Environment, School meals, Schools, Ultra-processed foods" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/technical/ | This technical note offers a comprehensive overview and general guidelines on food sales in public elementary and secondary schools enrolled in the National School Meals Program [Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE)]. |
Brazilian Association of Radio and Television Broadcasts v. Legislative Assembly of the State of Bahia | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | Mar. 25 2021 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/brazilian-association-of-radio-and-television-broadcasts-associacao-brasileira-de-emissoras-de-radio-e-televisao-v-legislative-assembly-of-the-state-of-bahia-assembleia-legislativa-do-estado-da-ba/ | A direct action of unconstitutionality against a state law from the Legislative Assembly of the State of Bahia [Assembleia Legislativa do Estado da Bahia] prohibiting advertisement targeted at children of foods and beverages with low nutritional value and high in sugar saturated fats or sodium. |
Technical Note on Conflicts of Interests in National School Meals Program (Technical note No. 3228950/2022/COSAN/CGPAE/DIRAE) | Brazil | Law | Programmatic documents | 2021 | "Procurement policies, School Environment, School meals, Ultra-processed foods" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/conflicts-of-interests-in-pnae-technical-note-no-3228950-2022-cosan-cgpae/ | This technical note aims to promote the identification and prevention of conflicts of interest in the implementation of the National School Meals Program [Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE)]. |
Resolution on Pre-packaged Foods Nutritional Labeling (RDC 429 of 2020) | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Oct. 8 2020 | "Back-of-pack labeling, Claims on packaging, Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/rdc-no-429-of-october-8-2020/ | This resolution regulates nutritional claims and front-of-pack nutritional labeling in pre-packaged food. |
Resolution on National School Meals Program and the Direct Financial Resources in School Program (Resolution No. 6 of 2020) | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Dec. 5 2020 | "Nutrition education, School Environment, School meals, Ultra-processed foods" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/resolution-no-6-of-may-8-2020/ | The resolution modifies the guidelines for the allocation of the funds of the National School Meals Program [Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar PNAE] relying on the NOVA food classification system. |
Sadia S.A. v. Consumer Protection Agency of the State of Sao Paulo – 2020 | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | 2020 | "Advertising, Marketing" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/sadia-s-a-v-consumer-protection-agency-of-the-state-of-sao-paulo-2020/ | A lawsuit questioning the legality of a fine issued against Sadia S.A. for a marketing campaign that targeted children. |
Brazilian Food Industry Association (ABIA) v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) (Case No. 1013249-88.2018.4.01.3400) | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | Jul. 24 2018 | "Front-of-pack nutritional labeling, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/brazilian-food-industry-association-abia-v-national-health-surveillance-agency-anvisa-2018-rotulagem-frontal/ | An injunction filed against ANVISA due to their denial to postpone the deadline of the public consultation on the front-of-pack nutritional labeling ("rotulagem frontal") measures. |
Consumer Protection Agency of the State of Paraná v. Danone LTDA | Brazil | Decision | Administrative | Apr. 12 2018 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, Promotion" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/consumer-protection-agency-of-the-state-of-parana-v-danone-2017/ | An administrative decision imposing a fine on Danone due to a marketing campaign that targeted children. |
Law on Advertising of Food to Children in Basic Education Establishments in the State of Bahia | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Dec. 27 2018 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, Schools" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/1272/ | The law amends the previous law No. 13.582 of 2016 to regulate food advertising targeted at children in basic education establishments. |
Dr. Oetker Brasil Ltda v. Consumer Protection Agency of the State of Sao Paulo | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | 2017 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/dr-oetker-brasil-ltda-v-consumer-protection-agency-of-the-state-of-sao-paulo-2017/ | A lawsuit questioning the legality of a fine issued against Dr. Oetker Brasil Ltda as a punishment for promoting a marketing campaign that targeted children. |
Office of the Prosecutor of the State of Sao Paulo v. Pandurata Alimentos LTDA (Case No. 1.558.086/SP) | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | Mar. 10 2016 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/office-of-the-prosecutor-of-the-state-of-sao-paulo-v-pandurata-alimentos-ltda-bauducco-2016/ | A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] due to abusive marketing targeting children and "product tying" (the practice of selling one product or service as a mandatory addition to the purchase of a different product or service). |
Law on Public Policies for Early Childhood | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Mar. 8 2016 | "Fundamental Rights, Rights of children" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-13-257-2016/ | This law establishes public policies for early childhood and amends Law No. 8.069 of July 13 1990 (Child and Adolescent Statute [Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente]) Decree-Law No. 3.689 of October 3 1941 (Code of Criminal Procedure [Código de Processo Penal]) the Consolidation of Labor Laws [Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas (CLT)] approved by Decree-Law No. 5.452 of May 1 1943 Law No. 11.770 of September 9 2008 and Law No. 12.662 of June 5 2012. |
Consumer Protection Agency of the State of Mato Grosso v. Bayer S.A. | Brazil | Decision | Administrative | 2016 | "Children, Claims on packaging, Internet, Labeling, Marketing" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/consumer-protection-agency-of-the-state-of-mato-grosso-v-bayer-s-a-2016/ | Administrative decision issuing a fine against Bayer S.A. due to a marketing campaign that targeted children. |
Office of the Federal Prosecutor v. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | Sep. 27 2016 | "Advertising in labeling, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/office-of-the-federal-prosecutor-v-national-health-surveillance-agency-anvisa-2016/ | A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] against the National Health Surveillance Agency [Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)] due to irregularities on the labels of light and diet products . |
Associação Nacional de Defesa da Cidadania e do Consumidor (Anadec) v. Vinícola Perini – 2016 | Brazil | Decision | Judicial | 2016 | "Advertising in labeling, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/associacao-nacional-de-defesa-da-cidadania-e-do-consumidor-anadec-v-vinicola-perini-2016/ | A public civil lawsuit [ação civil pública] affirming the legality of the absence of information on sodium and calories contents on the labels of wine bottles. |
Law on Regulation of Advertising of Food to Children in the State of Bahia | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Sep. 14 2016 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, Schools" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/13-582/ | Law regulating advertising targeted at children |
Resolution on Advertising and Marketing Communication to Children and Adolescents (Resolution No. 163 of 2014) | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Mar. 13 2014 | "Advertising, Children, Internet, Marketing, Promotion, Radio, Schools, Sponsorship, TV" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/rdc-163-2014/ | This resolution establishes criteria that make advertising and marketing practices targeted at children and adolescents abusive. |
Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population | Brazil | Law | Programmatic documents | 2014 | "Fundamental Rights, Right to food, Right to health, Ultra-processed foods" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/dietary-guidelines-for-the-brazilian-population/ | This document establishes principles and recommendations for an adequate and healthy diet for Brazilian population and introduces the concept of ultra-processed foods. |
Resolution on the Consumption of Salt or Sodium | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Apr. 24 2013 | "Content regulation, Sodium content" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/rdc-24-2013/ | This resolution regulates the content of iodine allowed in salt intended for human consumption. |
Resolution on Technical Regulation on Complementary Nutritional Information | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Nov. 12 2012 | "Claims on packaging, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/rdc-54-201/ | This resolution incorporates Mercosur Resolution No. 01/2012 standards on complementary nutritional labeling of packaged foods regulating it. |
Ordinance on National Food and Nutrition Policy | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Nov. 17 2011 | "Fundamental Rights, Labeling, Right to food, Right to health, Right to information" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/national-food-and-nutrition-policy/ | This ordinance establishes guidelines for improve food conditions nutrition and health of the Brazilian population aimed at promoting adequate and healthy food practices food surveillance and nutrition preventing and caring of diseases related to food and nutrition. |
Resolution on the Regulation of Unhealthy Products Advertisement (Resolution No. 24 of 2010) | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Jun. 15 2010 | "Advertising, Children, Internet, Marketing, Promotion, Radio, Sponsorship, TV" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/rdc-24-2010/ | This resolution establishes requirements for marketing of foods considered to have high amounts of sugar saturated fat trans fat sodium and beverages with low nutritional content. |
Food and Nutrition Security Standards Decree | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Aug. 25 2010 | "Fundamental Rights, Right to food, Right to health" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/food-and-nutrition-security-standards-decree/ | This decree provides regulations on law n. 11.346 of 2006 establishing the National Food and Nutrition Policy and the parameters for a national plan about food and nutritional security. |
Law on the Provision of School Meals | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Jun. 16 2009 | "Nutrition education, School Environment, School meals" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-no-11-947/ | This law provides some principles on the provision of school meals. It law amends Law No. 8.880 of June 9 2004 Law No. 11.273 of February 6 2006 Law No. 11.507 of July 20 2007 and repeals Law No. 8.913 of July 12 1994. It has been subsequently amended by Law 12.695 of 25 July 2012. |
Law on the Prohibition of the Commercialization and Advertising of Products Related to Childhood Obesity in the Municipality of Niteroi | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Nov. 19 2009 | "Advertising, Children, Marketing, Promotion, Sale in school premises, School Environment, Schools" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-on-the-prohibition-of-the-commercialization-and-advertising-of-products-related-to-childhood-obesity-in-the-municipality-of-niteroi/ | Law on the prohibition of the commercialization acquisition manufacturing distribution and advertising of products related to childhood obesity. This law has been amended by Law No. 3766 of 2023 and the changes are reflected in the text. |
Ordinance on Preventing Obesity | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Jun. 28 2007 | "Fundamental Rights, Right to health" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/ordinance-no-1569-2007/ | This ordinance establishes guidelines for health care aimed at preventing obesity and helping those who suffer it. |
Law on National Food and Nutritional Security System (Law No. 11.346 of 2006) | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Sep. 15 2006 | "Fundamental Rights, Right to food, Right to health, Right to information" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/national-food-and-nutrition-security-system/ | This law establishes principles guidelines and definitions on the human right to food. |
Ordinance on the Protomotion of Healthy Diets in the School Enviroment | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | May. 08 2006 | "Nutrition education, Sale in school premises, Sale near school premises, School Environment" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/ordinance-on-the-protomotion-of-healthy-diets-in-the-school-enviroment/ | This ordinance establishes guidelines for promoting healthy diets in early childhood as well as in elementary and high schools. |
Resolution on Technical Regulation for Packaged Food Labelling | Brazil | Law | Administrative Acts | Sep. 20 2002 | "Back-of-pack labeling, Claims on packaging, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/rdc-259-2002-technical-regulation-packaged-food-labeling/ | This resolution incorporates into domestic legislation the Mercosur Resolutions GMC No. 06/94 and 02/21 on mandatory and optional labeling of packaged foods. |
Consumer Defense Code (Law No. 8.078 of 1990) | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Sep. 11 1990 | "Advertising, Internet, Labeling, Marketing, Promotion, Sponsorship" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-no-8-078-of-september-11-1990/ | This law establishes rules of consumer protection and defense public order and social interest in accordance with articles 5 items XXXII 170 item V of the Brazilian Federal Constitution and article 48 of its Transitional Provisions. |
Child and Adolescent Statute | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Jul. 13 1990 | "Fundamental Rights, Rights of children" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-no-8069-1990/ | This law establishes a protection regime for children and adolescents which includes norms on family and community life (education sport and culture) guardianship adoption among other rights. |
Law on the Conditions for the Promotion Protection and Recovery of Health | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Sep. 19 1990 | "Fundamental Rights, Right to health" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/law-8080-1990/ | This law establishes general principles and guidelines on the health system and the conditions for the promotion protection and recovery of health. Implementation and control mechanisms are coordinated between the national and local levels. |
Constitution of Brazil | Brazil | Law | Constitutions | Oct. 05 1988 | "Fundamental Rights, Right to food, Right to health, Rights of children" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/constitution-of-brazil/ | The 1988 Constitution of Brazil establishes that education health the childhood protection and the right to food are social rights. |
Basic Food Standards Decree-Law | Brazil | Law | Legislation | Oct. 21 1969 | "Claims on packaging, Labeling" | https://globalfoodlaws.georgetown.edu/documents/decree-law-986-1969/ | This decree provides regulations on the format of nutritional labeling of packaged foods. |